Senator London Lamar
London Lamar believes in strong schools, healthy families, and safe communities.
London Lamar currently is State Senator for District 33. After being appointed by the Shelby County Board of Commissioners, she became the youngest female and African American legislator in Tennessee State Senate History.
She is proud to serve as Chair of the Shelby County Delegation of State Legislators, where I have ushered over $40 million in resources back to Shelby County.
Over her four years serving in the House of Representatives, she has introduced over 45 pieces of legislation and passed several bills into law. During that time, she passed bills that eliminate human trafficking, increase family healthcare and resources, reduce gun violence, expand voting rights and access, and increase job opportunities for Memphians in the State House and Senate.
State Senator London Lamar hopes to have your support to continue advancing laws for our families and our future.
London Lamar's Platform

Leadership & Community Experience

State Senator, District 33
Unanimously appointed by Shelby County Commission to fill the vacant District 33 Senate position after serving two terms as State Representative District 91

Council of State Governments Top 20 under 40 and Henry Toll Fellowship
Top 20 under 40
Class of 2021

National Organization of Black Elected Legislative Women
Southern Regional Director